Enabling the B0-based remote API - server side

BlueZero is deprecated. We highly recommend using the ZeroMQ remote API instead.

The B0-based remote API server side is based on a Lua script: lua/b0RemoteApiServer.lua. That script, which makes heavy use of the BlueZero interface and its functions, is being used in the customization script of model Models/tools/B0 remote Api server.ttm, and in the add-on simAddOnB0RemoteApiServer.lua. Should you miss one particular function, then you can implement it yourself into the remote API framework (see also the section on extending the B0-based remote API).

To enable the B0-based remote API on the server side (i.e. on CoppeliaSim's side), make sure the BlueZero plugin was successfully loaded at CoppeliaSim start-up (simExtB0.dll, libsimExtB0.dylib or libsimExtB0.so) (you can inspect the console window for information related to plugin loading).

Finally, you have two possibilities in using the B0-based remote API:

  • Start the add-on simAddOnB0RemoteApiServer.lua: you can either manually start it in [Add-ons > B0RemoteApiServer], or have it automatically started when CoppeliaSim launches (in that case, remove the sysCall_info function in lua/b0RemoteApiServer.lua). The add-on offers the B0-base remote API functionality for all the scenes without interruption.
  • Drag-and drop the model Models/tools/B0 remote Api server.ttm into a specific scene: by doing so, the B0-based remote API functionality will become available for that particular scene only.