Regular API function

simAddBanner / sim.addBanner

Description Deprecated.
int simAddBanner(const char* label,double size,int options,const double* positionAndEulerAngles,int parentObjectHandle,const float* labelColors,const float* backgroundColors)
label: the label to display on the banner
size: the height in meters of the banner. When the option sim.banner_keepsamesize is used, this argument represents the banner height in pixels instead
options: a combination of banner options
positionAndEulerAngles: 6 values representing the banner's position and orientation in space. Those values are absolute if the argument parentObjectHandle is -1, otherwise they are relative to the parent object's position and orientation. This argument can be nullptr, in which case the identity transformation is assumed
parentObjectHandle: the handle of a scene object you wish to attach the banner to, or -1 if the banner should be independent.
labelColors: 12 values representing the RGB values (0-1) for the 3 color components of the text (ambient_diffuse RGB, 3 reserved values (set to zero), specular RGB and emissive RGB). Can be nullptr, in which case a black color will be used
backgroundColors: 12 values representing the RGB values (0-1) for the 3 color components of the text background (ambient_diffuse RGB, 3 reserved values (set to zero), specular RGB and emissive RGB). Can be nullptr, in which case a white color will be used
return value
handle of the banner if successful, -1 otherwise
int bannerID=sim.addBanner(string label,float size,int options,float[6] positionAndEulerAngles=nil,int parentObjectHandle=nil,float[12] labelColors=nil,float[12] backgroundColors=nil)
Similar to the C-function counterpart
return values
Similar to the C-function counterpart