
Multiplies a vector with a pose or a matrix (e.g. v=m*v)


list resultVector = sim.multiplyVector(list pose/matrix, list vector) float[3*n] resultVector = sim.multiplyVector(float[7]/float[12] pose/matrix, float[3*n] vector)


  • pose/matrix: a pose (array of 7 values [x y z qx qy qz qw]) or a transformation matrix (array of 12 values [Vx0 Vy0 Vz0 P0 Vx1 Vy1 Vz1 P1 Vx2 Vy2 Vz2 P2])
  • vector: the original vector: an array of 3 * n values. Each triplet represents one vector to be multiplied

Return values

  • resultVector: the result vector: an array of 3 * n values. Each triplet represents one vector

See also: