
Creates a primitive shape


int shapeHandle = sim.createPrimitiveShape(int primitiveType, list sizes, int options = 0) int shapeHandle = sim.createPrimitiveShape(int primitiveType, float[3] sizes, int options = 0)


  • primitiveType: the primitive type of the shape
  • sizes: 3 values indicating the size of the shape
  • options: Bit-coded:
    • bit0 is set (1): backfaces are culled
    • bit1 is set (2): edges appear sharp
    • bit2 is set (4): cylinder has open ends
    • bit3 is set (8): the primitive shape is not registered as such by CoppeliaSim, but rather as a random (maybe convex) shape

Return values

  • shapeHandle: handle of the newly created shape

See also: