
Exports a mesh to a file


sim.exportMesh(int fileformat, string pathAndFilename, int options, float scalingFactor, list vertices, list indices) sim.exportMesh(int fileformat, string pathAndFilename, int options, float scalingFactor, float[] vertices, int[] indices)


  • fileformat: the fileformat to export to:
    • 0: OBJ format
    • 3: TEXT STL format
    • 4: BINARY STL format
    • 5: COLLADA format
    • 6: TEXT PLY format
    • 7: BINARY PLY format
  • pathAndFilename: the location of the file to create.
  • options: keep at 0
  • scalingFactor: the scaling factor to apply to the vertices to export
  • vertices: an array of vertice arrays. See the example below
  • indices: an array of indice arrays. See the example below


--lua -- Exports all shapes in the scene local allVertices = {} local allIndices = {} local shapeIndex = 0 while true do local h = sim.getObjects(shapeIndex, sim.object_shape_type) if h < 0 then break end shapeIndex = shapeIndex + 1 local vertices, indices = sim.getShapeMesh(h) local m = sim.getObjectMatrix(h) for i = 1, #vertices // 3, 1 do local v = {vertices[3 * (i - 1) +1], vertices[3 * (i - 1) + 2], vertices[3 * (i - 1) + 3]} v = sim.multiplyVector(m, v) vertices[3 * (i - 1) + 1] = v[1] vertices[3 * (i - 1) + 2] = v[2] vertices[3 * (i - 1) + 3] = v[3] end table.insert(allVertices, vertices) table.insert(allIndices, indices) end if #allVertices > 0 then sim.exportMesh(0, "d:\\example.obj", 0, 1, allVertices, allIndices) end

See also: