
Creates, modifies or destroys module menu entries. Those are user selectable items located in [Menu bar > Modules]. When selected, the corresponding script will have its sysCall_moduleEntry callback function triggered, or sim_message_eventcallback_moduleentry triggered


int handle = sim.moduleEntry(int handle, string label = None, int state = -1) int handle = sim.moduleEntry(int handle, string label = nil, int state = -1)


  • handle: handle of a module menu entry, or -1 to create one.
  • label: label of the module entry. If handle is -1, then a path can be specified, in order to build sub-menus, e.g. "Menu\nSubmenu1\nSubmenu2\nLabel". Can be nullptr if handle is not -1.
  • state: Bit-coded (is ignored if set to -1, -2 destroys an existing item):
    • bit0 is set (1): the item is enabled
    • bit1 is set (2): the item is checked
    • bit2 is set (4): the item is checkable

Return values

  • handle: the handle of the module menu entry