Regular API function

simRMLVel / sim.rmlVel

Description Deprecated. See sim.ruckigVel instead, which also supports jerk control.
int simRMLVel(int dofs,double smallestTimeStep,int flags,const double* currentPosVelAccel,const double* maxAccelJerk,const bool* selection,const double* targetVel,void* auxData)
dofs: the number of degrees of freedom (N).
smallestTimeStep: the smallest expected cycle time. Use a value of 0.0001 (0.1ms).
flags: RML flags. -1 for default flags.
currentPosVelAccel: the current position, velocity and acceleration. Arrange values as {pos1,pos2,..,posN,vel1,vel2,..,velN,accel1,accel2,..,accelN}
maxAccelJerk: the maximum allowed acceleration and jerk. Arrange values as {accel1,accel2,..,accelN,jerk1,jerk2,..,jerkN}. With the RML type II plugin, the max. jerk will however always be infinite.
selection: the selection vector (one value for each DoF). For a default behaviour, fill the vector with non-zero values.
targetVel: the target velocity (one value for each DoF)
auxData: can be nullptr. Otherwise in/out extension data. The first byte indicates how many additional in/out values we wish to set/get. Following auxiliary values can be set/get:
value 1 (input): Bytes 2-5 (int): set to 1 if you wish this object to be automatically destroyed at simulation end (which is the default case when called from the main script or a child script).
return value
-1 in case of an error, otherwise the handle of the created object.
int handle=sim.rmlVel(int dofs,float smallestTimeStep,int flags,float[] currentPosVelAccel,float[] maxAccelJerk,int[] selection,float[] targetVel)
Refer to the C-function documentation
return values
Refer to the C-function documentation