simIGL Plugin API reference

Wrapper for libigl



Description Computes the barycenter of every simplex.
Lua synopsis grid bc=simIGL.barycenter(grid v, grid f)
Lua parameters
v (grid): vertex position list
f (grid): indices of simplex corners into V
Lua return values
bc (grid): matrix of vertices
Python synopsis grid bc=simIGL.barycenter(grid v, grid f)
See also


Description Computes the centroid of a closed mesh using a surface integral.
Lua synopsis float[3] c, float vol=simIGL.centroid(mesh m)
Lua parameters
m (mesh): mesh
Lua return values
c (table of float, size 3): vector of centroid coordinates
vol (float): total volume of solid
Python synopsis list c, float vol=simIGL.centroid(mesh m)
See also


Description Determine the closest facet for each of the input points.
Lua synopsis int[] r, int[] s=simIGL.closestFacet(mesh m, grid points, grid emap, grid uec, grid uee, int[] indices={})
Lua parameters
m (mesh): mesh
points (grid): query points
emap (grid): list of indices into uE, mapping each directed edge to unique undirected edge so that uE(EMAP(f+#F*c)) is the unique edge corresponding to E.row(f+#F*c)
uec (grid): list of cumulative counts of directed edges sharing each unique edge so the uEC(i+1)-uEC(i) is the number of directed edges sharing the ith unique edge
uee (grid): list of indices into E, so that the consecutive segment of indices uEE.segment(uEC(i),uEC(i+1)-uEC(i)) lists all directed edges sharing the ith unique edge
indices (table of int, default: {}): indices of faces to consider, or empty for all
Lua return values
r (table of int): list of closest face indices, same size as p
s (table of int): list of bools indicating on which side of the facet each query point lies, same size as p
Python synopsis list r, list s=simIGL.closestFacet(mesh m, grid points, grid emap, grid uec, grid uee, list indices={})
See also


Description Given a set of points, compute the convex hull as a triangle mesh.
Lua synopsis mesh m=simIGL.convexHull(float[] points)
Lua parameters
points (table of float): mesh
Lua return values
m (mesh): mesh
Python synopsis mesh m=simIGL.convexHull(list points)
See also


Description convenience wrapper for simIGL.convexHull to operate on shapes directly
Lua synopsis int handleResult=simIGL.convexHullShape(int[] handles)
Lua parameters
handles (table of int): the handle of the input shapes
Lua return values
handleResult (int): the handle of the resulting shape
Python synopsis int handleResult=simIGL.convexHullShape(list handles)
See also


Description The discrete geodesic distance between two points is the length of the shortest path between then restricted to the surface. For triangle meshes, such a path is made of a set of segments which can be either edges of the mesh or crossing a triangle.
Lua synopsis float[] distances=simIGL.exactGeodesic(mesh m, int[] vs, int[] fs, int[] vt, int[] ft)
Lua parameters
m (mesh): mesh
vs (table of int): indices of source vertices
fs (table of int): indices of source faces
vt (table of int): indices of target vertices
ft (table of int): indices of target faces
Lua return values
distances (table of float): output vector which lists first the distances for the target vertices, and then for the target faces
Python synopsis list distances=simIGL.exactGeodesic(mesh m, list vs, list fs, list vt, list ft)
See also


Description get mesh data of a given shape in the format used by simIGL functions
Lua synopsis table mesh=simIGL.getMesh(int h, table options={})
Lua parameters
h (int): the handle of the shape
options (table, default: {}): options
Lua return values
mesh (table): mesh object
Python synopsis list mesh=simIGL.getMesh(int h, list options={})
See also


Description Intersect a PWN mesh with a half-space. Point on plane, normal pointing outward.
Lua synopsis mesh m, int[] j=simIGL.intersectWithHalfSpace(mesh m, float[3] pt, float[3] n)
Lua parameters
m (mesh): mesh
pt (table of float, size 3): point on plane
n (table of float, size 3): normal of plane pointing away from inside
Lua return values
m (mesh): result mesh
j (table of int): list of indices into [F;F.rows()+[1;2]] revealing "birth" facet
Python synopsis mesh m, list j=simIGL.intersectWithHalfSpace(mesh m, list pt, list n)
See also


Description Compute several boolean operations on the meshes specified by vertices and (triangle) indices
Lua synopsis mesh result=simIGL.meshBoolean(mesh a, mesh b, int op)
Lua parameters
a (mesh): first mesh
b (mesh): second mesh
op (int): operation, see simIGL.boolean_op
Lua return values
result (mesh): resulting mesh
Python synopsis mesh result=simIGL.meshBoolean(mesh a, mesh b, int op)
See also


Description convenience wrapper for simIGL.meshBoolean to operate on shapes directly
Lua synopsis int handleResult=simIGL.meshBooleanShape(int[] handles, int op)
Lua parameters
handles (table of int): the handle of the input shapes
op (int): the operation (see simIGL.boolean_op)
Lua return values
handleResult (int): the handle of the resulting shape
Python synopsis int handleResult=simIGL.meshBooleanShape(list handles, int op)
See also


Description Randomly sample a mesh n times
Lua synopsis grid b, grid fi=simIGL.randomPointsOnMesh(int n, mesh m, bool convertToWorldCoords=false)
Lua parameters
n (int): num samples
m (mesh): mesh
convertToWorldCoords (bool, default: false): if true, output will be in world coords and not in barycentric coords
Lua return values
b (grid): list of barycentric/world coordinates, ith row are coordinates of ith sampled point in face FI[i]
fi (grid): list of indices into F
Python synopsis grid b, grid fi=simIGL.randomPointsOnMesh(int n, mesh m, bool convertToWorldCoords=false)
See also


Description Generate a volume-sweep mesh
Lua synopsis mesh m=simIGL.sweptVolume(mesh m, string transformFunc, int timeSteps, int gridSize, float isoLevel=0)
Lua parameters
m (mesh): mesh
transformFunc (string): rigid transform as a function of time (0..1); must return a 4x4 transform matrix as 12/16 values
timeSteps (int): number of time steps
gridSize (int): size of voxel grid internally used for mesh generation
isoLevel (float, default: 0): can be set to zero to approximate the exact swept volume, greater than zero to approximate a positive offset of the swept volume or less than zero to approximate a negative offset
Lua return values
m (mesh): volume-sweep mesh
Python synopsis mesh m=simIGL.sweptVolume(mesh m, string transformFunc, int timeSteps, int gridSize, float isoLevel=0)
See also


Description Mesh the interior of a surface mesh using tetgen.
Lua synopsis int result, grid tv, grid tt, grid tf=simIGL.tetrahedralize(mesh m, string switches="")
Lua parameters
m (mesh): mesh
switches (string, default: ""): string of tetgen options (See tetgen documentation) e.g. "pq1.414a0.01" tries to mesh the interior of a given surface with quality and area constraints; "" will mesh the convex hull constrained to pass through V (ignores F)
Lua return values
result (int): Returns status: 0 success; 1 tetgen threw exception; 2 tetgen did not crash but could not create any tets (probably there are holes, duplicate faces etc.); -1 other error
tv (grid): vertex position list
tt (grid): list of tet face indices
tf (grid): list of triangle face indices
Python synopsis int result, grid tv, grid tt, grid tf=simIGL.tetrahedralize(mesh m, string switches="")
See also


Description Construct relationships between facet "half"-(or rather "viewed")-edges E to unique edges of the mesh seen as a graph.
Lua synopsis grid e, grid ue, grid emap, grid uec, grid uee=simIGL.uniqueEdgeMap(grid f)
Lua parameters
f (grid): list of simplices
Lua return values
e (grid): list of all directed edges, such that E.row(f+#F*c) is the edge opposite F(f,c)
ue (grid): list of unique undirected edges
emap (grid): list of indices into uE, mapping each directed edge to unique undirected edge so that uE(EMAP(f+#F*c)) is the unique edge corresponding to E.row(f+#F*c)
uec (grid): list of cumulative counts of directed edges sharing each unique edge so the uEC(i+1)-uEC(i) is the number of directed edges sharing the ith unique edge
uee (grid): list of indices into E, so that the consecutive segment of indices uEE.segment(uEC(i),uEC(i+1)-uEC(i)) lists all directed edges sharing the ith unique edge
Python synopsis grid e, grid ue, grid emap, grid uec, grid uee=simIGL.uniqueEdgeMap(grid f)
See also


Description Subdivide a mesh without moving vertices: loop subdivision but odd vertices stay put and even vertices are just edge midpoints.
Lua synopsis mesh m=simIGL.upsample(mesh m, int n=1)
Lua parameters
m (mesh): mesh
n (int, default: 1): number of subdivisions
Lua return values
m (mesh): subdivided mesh
Python synopsis mesh m=simIGL.upsample(mesh m, int n=1)
See also


Description Compute volume for all tets of a given tet mesh.
Lua synopsis float[] vol=simIGL.volume(tetmesh m)
Lua parameters
m (tetmesh): tet mesh
Lua return values
vol (table of float): list of tetrahedron volumes
Python synopsis list vol=simIGL.volume(tetmesh m)
See also


Constants used in the various functions. Refer to each constant using enumName.constantName, i.e. simUI.curve_type.xy for xy constant in simUI.curve_type enum.



Data structures

Data structures are used to pass complex data around. Create data structures in Lua in the form of a map, e.g.: {line_size=3, add_to_legend=false, selectable=true}


vertices (table of float): vertices of the mesh (3 * n values)
indices (table of int): triangle indices of the mesh (3 * m indices, zero-based)
normals (table of float): per-vertex normals (3 * n values)
See also


vertices (table of float): vertices of the mesh (3 * n values)
indices (table of int): tetrahedra indices of the mesh (4 * m indices, zero-based)
See also

Script functions

Script functions are used to call some lua code from the plugin side (tipically used for event handlers).


Description Callback used by simIGL.sweptVolume.
Lua synopsis float[] transform=simIGL.transformCallback(float t)
Lua parameters
t (float): time parameter in 0..1 range
Lua return values
transform (table of float): a 4x4 transform matrix as 12/16 values
Python synopsis list transform=simIGL.transformCallback(float t)
See also